End-To-End I.T. Built For Today’s Business.
Fast Service, Reliable Infrastructures, Comprehensive Approach.
Halo provides state-of-the-art communications systems and telecommunications infrastructure for
businesses. Each system is custom designed & built for the demands of business.
Cloud Platforms & Integration
Hhybrid cloud solution helps balance the costs between initial investment, maintenance, and reliability.
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Telecom Systems & Infrastructure
Compare services & pricing from from all the Internet providers in your new building or just check that you are getting the best service at the best price with you current services.
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Managed Services
Outsourced IT is very popular because of experience necessary to run today's complicated systems efficiently.
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Intelligently Designed Networks
The first step in any project is understanding the client’s desired outcome.
Our network & cabling infrastructures are designed based on decades of experience and focus on easy of use, flexibility and documentation. Headroom is built into each customized solution. Halo uses the latest services & materials of the highest quality to ensure the longevity and compatibility of emerging technologies.
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Transform your business with Cloud services
It's more than a buzzword, Cloud allows the offloading of duties performed by employees
Cloud providers compete with one another to provide value driven solutions. There is no other segment of information technology that is more dynamic than Cloud. As a partner of hundreds of cloud providers we take time training with the top providers.
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VOIP & Video Collaboration UCAAS providers
With only a small amount of information we check them all for you.
Halo can guarantee perfect call quality with today’s new VOIP phone systems. VOIP has the ability to offer the features you can think of and is able to integrate into many existing platforms. Results can be measured and help determine how to more efficiently run segments of the business and will help form future marketing & sales campaigns.
Halo has the distinct advantage by partnering with the top 10 VOIP UCAAS providers and will help you research and select the right one for your business needs.
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Information Data is the new currency
It is the heartbeat of your business and needs to be protected..
Today, as businesses acquire technology, it’s over a hybrid of infrastructure, devices, clouds, and hosted platforms. Even if you have the best policies in place, cross mingling devices, such as crossing an infected home computer with your business phone, can expose secure data and put your business at risk. As data footprints increase, the ability to manage it and secure it requires a comprehensive plan.
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We bring you the best pricing from all the carriers
With only a small amount of information we check all the providers for you.
We provide Free price quotes from all telecom carriers, Internet DIA fiber, MPLS, SD-WAN and point-to-point. We compare and negotiate the best deals for your locations, saving you both time and money.
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Helped us better communicate with our staff and with our customers Halo Technology Solutions, Inc....
"Customer Service is key for us and I can say, without a doubt that HALO is a big part of that for us! I’m happy to write this letter of recommendation for the staff at HALO and know that other companies will be as happy with their high level of service as we are. "Kevin Boyer, Owner - Boyer Moving & StorageHalo Technology Solutions, Inc. I’d like to personally thank you and your company for the tremendous help...
"We can always count on HALO to be here in a pinch and have enjoyed doing business together for the last 16 years, and hopefully for many more to come. "Larry Jackel, Managing Partner - Fenway Capital Advisors
Rest Assured, We’ve Got IT Covered...
With Our Managed IT Services.
- Help Desk Services
- IT Project Management
- IT Procurement
- Network Inventory Assessment
- IT Integration
- Disaster Recovery Solutions
- Backup Solutions
Project Spotlights
From Problems To Solutions

Helping Move Into A New Location And Expand IT Infrastructure.
Overview: Our client had outgrown their space and their network and phones. They called us and asked us to perform a IT analysis and asked us for many upgrades in their new location.
Challenge: This client's entire infrastructure was due to be replaced; servers, computers, phones and network gear. Also their budget was slim after making tenant improvements and moving costs.
Solution: We formed a plan to upgrade what was critical during to making the move easier. We tried to use the budget wisely and purchased only network equipment and phones making a great platform to build on in the future. We wanted to stabilize their Internet connectivity and had the highest rated carrier trench fiber from down the street directly into their building for $0 cost. We worked with their furniture vendor and coordinated the office to "look" cable free.
We discussed moving the old phone system but decided that a new phone system was needed anyways. After installing some new Gigabit POE switches and a new firewall we had their news phones fully configured and sitting on their new desks before they even moved in.
Results: Since we replaced all the critical components during the move we budgeted the next two years for new servers and computers. We were able to tame some of the chaos from a move and upgrade them where it made sense.

Rescuing A Company That Outgrew Its Old Network.
Overview: We had a client who adding cables and switches everywhere around their call center.
Challenge: Their network was constantly going down because users were moving cables on the floor creating loops on the network.
Solution: Not having the cabling and network centrally managed was causing confusion and network outages. Halo recabled their office to a central location and upgraded their equipment to commercial grade.
Results: This network is now locked down and will not experience any more down time do to human error.
Trends, News & Tips
Perspectives In The Rental Market And San Diego Communities
Proin Semper Lacus At Elit Accumsan Ornare
Vestibulum tempor, nulla vel porta blandit, justo est imperdiet ex, non pharetra augue leo non nunc. Maecenas facilisis auctor sollicitudin. Maecenas accumsan et mauris eget vestibulum. Ut efficitur erat vitae nunc elementum semper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer pharetra non odio mollis …
Maecenas Molestie Consectetur Augue Quis Feugiat
In eu elit pretium elit commodo vulputate. Ut vel tincidunt purus. Sed efficitur nunc ut tortor blandit venenatis. Nunc ultrices, est at dapibus eleifend, libero arcu lacinia odio, non cursus libero neque sit amet orci. Morbi sed molestie lectus. Cras luctus suscipit nunc, vitae hendrerit neque facilisis id. …
Aenean Vel Neque Felis Proin Et Blandit Purus?
Proin semper lacus at elit accumsan ornare. Integer fermentum, ligula non luctus ornare, erat nisi ornare dolor, non mollis odio ante sed lectus. Cras egestas libero vel est pellentesque feugiat. Maecenas molestie consectetur augue quis feugiat. Morbi fringilla purus nec erat sagittis egestas. Duis ut nibh et nibh …